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with a request body that specifies how to map the columns of your import file to the associated CRM properties in HubSpot.... In the request JSON, define the import file details, including mapping the spreadsheet's columns to HubSpot data. Your request JSON should include the following fields:... entry for each column.

Optii Blog

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The Hidden Costs of Inefficient Hotel Housekeeping Ops, Part 2

Jul 30. 2024
In part one of this three-part blog series, we revealed how outdated, inefficient housekeeping operations can cost your hotel big...

5 ways technology can help with labor optimization

Jul 30. 2024
Hotel management can be complex! There are many different elements to running a hotel successfully, from housekeeping,...

The Hidden Costs of Inefficient Hotel Housekeeping Ops, Part 1

Jul 30. 2024
Did you know that housekeeping can represent up to 50% of your hotel’s labor costs? Hotel managers and owners looking to cut...

Task Management vs AI-based Hotel Operations Solutions

Jul 24. 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a topic on everyone’s agenda at the moment, but is something we’ve been exploring in hotel...

Cómo la Tecnología de Mantenimiento Preventivo aumenta la Rentabilidad y Eleva la Experiencia del Cliente

Jul 24. 2024
La hospitalidad ha sido y sigue siendo un "negocio de personas", y si bien la introducción de la tecnología en los hoteles en...

Por qué estos 5 Indicadores son importantes en Las Operaciones Hoteleras

Jul 24. 2024
En las operaciones hoteleras modernas no hay lugar para las conjeturas. Tener una vista completa de cómo funciona el hotel es...

Get started with Optii

Bridge the gap between guest experience and hotel efficiency with easy-to-use automation tools.

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with a request body that specifies how to map the columns of your import file to the associated CRM properties in HubSpot.... In the request JSON, define the import file details, including mapping the spreadsheet's columns to HubSpot data. Your request JSON should include the following fields:... entry for each column.